Documents List
Citizens for Fair Representation Complaint (297k)
As filed 5/18/2017
Plan C The Bankruptcy plan (123.2k)
As written on 5/13/2016.
New Brochure (520.4k)
This is the brochure which was produced for the Grass Valley Gun Show at the end of February.
News from Josephine County, Oregon (693.2k)
SOJ makes inroads north of the border
Stanislaus County is looking at becoming part of Jefferson Territory (240.9k)
My sister and her husband live in Modesto, are fed up with California, and would consider moving to Amador, Calaveras or Tuolumne Counties upon retirement if Jefferson becomes a state. Looks like the new state could be coming to their county.
1992 State split vote record (680.4k)
Election results from the counties that voted on the state split.
Yes California Petition to amend the CA Constitution (107.8k)
If passed will allow people to vote on succession.
CalExit booklet (2.2m)
33 page booklet on "reasons" to support succession.
Senate districts 1966 (535.5k)
In comparing the '51 vs. '66 maps we can see the representation lost by the northern counties due to Reynolds vs. Simms.
CCR Flier (177.4k)
A flier to handout with a good overview of the purpose of the committee.
Senate districts 1951 (476.8k)
Map showing how California Senate districts were apportioned before 1964.